You are about to receive the Men Healthy Ageing Programme.


  • Men who are interested in improving both their physical appearance and their vitality, using innovative tools and disciplines to delay the aging process.
  • Individuals whose biological age is older than their chronological age (because of genetic causes, poor habits or pathological processes) and who would like to slow down their biological clock from a holistic perspective, focusing on achieving an improved quality of life.
  • Men who realise that, because of their age, they are beginning to be affected by certain health problems caused by the natural aging process - and who would like to draw on expertise, techniques, eating habits and supplements in order to delay the aging process and to live longer while enjoying a better quality of life.

We have tailored a healthy aging programme to the needs of male gender, by means of the following objectives:

  • To enable the individual to achieve an optimum state of health by delaying the signs of aging, so that he not only lives longer, but has greater vitality and a better quality of life.
  • To measure the indicators of biological age and the differences in relation to the patient’s biological age, as well as factors likely to have a negative impact on his quality of life - which may include lifestyle, nutritional, environmental and/or genetic factors.
  • To combine expertise in natural therapies, oriental medicine, nutrition and the latest medical advances, in respect of both diagnosis and treatment, in order to reduce the effects and symptoms of aging in men.
  • To teach new, healthy lifestyle habits to enhance the individual’s general state of health and well-being.

*Siguiendo las directrices establecidas por las autoridades locales en materia de seguridad y salud, vinculadas a la actual situación de Covid-19, algunos servicios podrían no estar disponibles temporalmente.